Sunday 15 September 2013

A Bit of a Lifey Update!

Hey Guys!

In exactly one week I'll be going "t'up North" (as everyone keeps calling it) and off to Uni! I'm ridiculously excited and anxious at the same time. It's strange to think that I'll be leaving behind my amazing family and friends, but then again I'm so excited for all the new people who will inevitably make their way into my life.

I'm now starting to pack. It's no secret to anyone who knows me that I suck at packing, but it's just as I've started to pack things (the essentials of course... shoes and makeup!), that I've realised just how bad I am at it, and how much stuff I use regularly and "need"... (you need how many body butters?!) I'm really struggling to cut things down a bit for the sake of boot space!

In terms of my room decor, I have so much still to get! I have my bedding, but I'm still on the hunt for cushions, throws and fairy lights to make it a bit more homely. The tricky thing is that my room will be painted one of four colours; royal blue, forest green, bright red or mustard yellow. All definite favourites of mine of course... I'm torn between sticking with neutrals, or waiting till I see my room before buying things. Then of course there's the problem of choosing photos to print. In some ways I wish I had a film camera, that way I wouldn't be able to take so many photos that I now have to choose from!

Anyway, that's a bit about what's going on with me! My head is in a million places right now with so much to plan and do, so many goodbyes to say and hellos to prepare for...

Wish me luck (or just come pack for me!)
P.S. Is it wrong to be excited about being able to wear a scarf again?

Monday 2 September 2013

MUA Dusk till Dawn Eyeshadow Palette Review

I'm slightly obsessed with my MUA undressed palette.
Since I got it back in September I've used it so much that it looks very much worse for wear...

Anyway, I thought I'd pick up another MUA palette to try and give my original some competition. I ended up getting the "Dusk till Dawn" palette (after a long time deliberating, my boyfriend has the patience of a saint!) because of it's diverse range of colours. It's got a lovely mix lighter shades for me to wear on a more daily basis, and deeper and brighter shades so I can change things up a bit. 

I wonder if I'll ever get the hang of swatch photos!
As usual with MUA eyeshadows, the pigmentation is really good, and the colours look great in real life and not just in the pan. Colours such as purples, teals and silvers are all very flattering on brown eyes, so if you're a brown eyed girl like me, I'd recommend it.

Will it replace my undressed palette? Probably not. Am I glad I bought it?