Tuesday 24 June 2014

The One About Growing Up

A week today, I will be preparing for my first day at work. After 19 years of life, I finally have what I like to call a "grown-uppy office job" Mature, I know. Despite this job, in reality, only being a part-time summer temp job, I can't help but feel hella grown-up. The idea of being professional and mature excites me to no end.

Which makes me wonder, when on earth did I become an adult? Sure, I've been living independent from my parents for a year now at uni. But I just don't get it. Even just yesterday, on holiday with my family I reverted back to a younger version of myself... Daddy, pleeeease can we get the big curly sausage? Despite that, it feels like I've suddenly entered the world of adulthood, and even though inwardly I feel the same as I did at age 14, people seem to be treating me as an adult. Trust me, it's weird.

Maybe growing up is just a thing that kind of happens. Silently, without you realising, you change from the little girl you used to be, to the woman you're going to be. And maybe that's okay. Maybe it's better that we have no idea that it's happening, 'cause if we did, we'd cling tighter to all the things we're leaving behind, instead of being excited for what's to come. But growing up doesn't always have to mean moving on, somethings will forever remain. I will always secretly want to be a famous rapper, I will always think my mum's lasagne is the best lasagne in the world, and I will always, always choose the most chocolatey pudding on the menu. It's kinda what makes me, me.

I think growing up is a good thing. I just hope that "past girl me" has helped "present me" to become the kick-ass, strong, independent woman that I one day hope to be.

1 comment:

  1. "It’s the oldest story in the world. One day you’re seventeen and planning for someday. And then quietly and without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And that someday is yesterday. And this is your life."
