Monday 1 April 2013

What's my Body Type?

It's going to be prom season soon, and that probably means time to buy a dress if you haven't already! 
So I thought that now is the perfect time do a mini series about prom dresses! I want to start off by talking about "Prom Dresses for Your Body Type", however for that to be of any use to anyone, you need to know what shape you are first! So just in case you don't know which body type you are, I'm going to explain them to you!

There are four common body types amongst women, and each has different characteristics. But before you read please remember that every woman is different, and your shape may not always be obvious as you can be a very subtle or a very bold form of a body type!

The Rectangle/Banana/Tomboy
If you have this body type your body will tend to go straight up and down, without pinching in much at the waist, and your shoulders and hips will be of equal width. You may also be slightly lacking in the boob and bum department, however this is not always the case.
P!nk is known for her petit frame, and crazy haircuts!
The Hourglass
Similarly to the Rectangle, your hips and shoulders should balance, however the key difference between these 2 body types is the difference between your hips and waist. You have more noticeable curves, and often a larger bum and boobs to match! You are likely to gain weight on both your stomach and hips/thighs.
I just love how classy Beyonce always looks!
The Apple
You shoulders are wider than your hips and you gain weight around your stomach. You are likely to have large boobs, but long, slim legs. It's very likely that you won't have a very defined waist.
Nadine Coyle from Girls Aloud - her legs go on forever!
The Pear
The majority of british women are this shape. You are likely to have larger hips and slimmer shoulders, you should have a large difference between your hips and waist, and gain weight largely on your hips too. You're likely to have a larger bum (did someone say ghetto booty?) and smaller boobs.
I love, love, love this dress. Oh, and JLo!
So there you go, body shapes explained! Work out which you are, and get ready to find a prom dress which compliments your shape!

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